Serving over 125,000 Canadian Businesses.

Discover 10 reasons to choose YP. Learn how YP can help you connect with more customers.

Important information regarding Covid-19

We know that the impact of Covid-19 is top of mind, to help we have put together a quick list of tips & resources available to you during these trying times.

Read more

*All business owners are feeling the financial effects from this unfortunate situation, but rest assured, the Federal government has put policies in place in order to aid those affected. For more information on what the Federal government can do for you, click below.

More Information

Let's support local together, during this difficult time!

Business Registration & Incorporation

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Operating in Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.

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Are your business listings up to the test?


Test the accuracy of your online information!

Use our free scan tool: It scans your business profiles on 50+ of Canada’s top sites for missing
or incorrect information so you don’t have to!

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We help you reach your business goals

In our experience with Yellow Pages, our questions and concerns were always dealt with promptly and we found Anna to be very knowledgeable, offering step by step guidance on how to improve our exposure to generate sales through our website. Anna carries herself with honesty and integrity and cares that our investment is suitably matched to results from our advertising dollars. Anna is very professional and personable and over the years has also become a friend to us. We are happy to endorse the services we receive from Anna and Yellow Pages.

Tammy and Bernal from Creative Glass & Aluminum Ltd

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See what Yellow Pages can do for you

Want to take your digital marketing further?

Manage and sync your business information across Canada’s top search sites and apps.

Priority Placement

Promote your business profile with ads on local business search.

How do you appear on the internet?
Scan your business

Find how your customers are seeing you on the best 25+ platforms on the Internet.


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